About Me
Professional Listener, Companion & Coach
For Those Experiencing Grief & Loss

Clare Sautter
Coach * Coach Supervisor * Yoga Teacher * Labyrinth Facilitator
And then there is me.
I serve as a companion to those who have or are experiencing a life altering event. Events could be any of the following or a combination since sometimes things happen all at once.
- A career related shift – a new business venture, selling a business, a new job, retirement etc.
- The loss of a family member, a pet, a friend, a colleague
- A loss relating to motherhood
- Navigating the challenges and rewards of being a primary care giver
- Being diagnosed with a life altering illness
- Exploring identity and how it changes through our lives
“The power of having the right coach along side of you amplifies the work you can do.”
Why Choose Me
Why Me? I've been preparing for this work my entire life!
My coach training through Newfield Network taught me to study the “way of being”, focus on the client as an observer, and to work together to bring in new possibilities through shifting the lens of observation.
My coach supervision training brought in the reflective practice component. Taking the time to step back and look with our senses to see what may be hidden. I’ve learned to respectfully and warmly challenge both my beliefs and yours! My certificate in Theology as well as my 200 Registered Yoga Training renewed my belief that we are all connected – all things – people, animals, plants – are part of the world’s ecosystem.
How can I help?
As a coach, my expertise is partnering with you to acknowledge what is going on in your life and working together to design a way of flourishing in this moment. We do that through conversations that explore you and what is happening for you. We focus on the present moment and what needs to happen now. This is not therapy but many clients report that the conversations feel therapeutic. That can be attributed to the deep, active listening that happens. We design how we want to work together. Most importantly, I offer a deeply personal and safe space to be who you are in the midst of life.
Reach out to me today to schedule a consultation
I'm here to help you navigate life's challenges